New Business Application Numbers Up Since 2019

Over 40% more applications for a new business in Virginia were filed in 2022 compared to 2019, according to a U.S. Chamber of Commerce analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data. Over 123,000 new business applications were filed in Virginia in 2022, compared to just over 88,000 new business applications in 2019. The U.S. Chamber projects 6% of these applications will become an employer business. Nationally, new business applications nearly doubled in 2020 and 2021 as entrepreneurs sought solutions to problems posed by the pandemic — a record 5.4 million new business applications were filed in the United States in 2021, closely followed by 5.1 million applications in 2022. The figures for Virginia underscore the strength of Virginia’s business climate across the Commonwealth, as at least 21 new business applications were filed in every county and independent city in 2021.

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