IMPORTANT: Change in RLI Application and Payment Process Effective September 1, 2023

As technology has developed over the years, a substantial portion of RLI's new business has been submitted electronically, including electronic signature and payment. For years, our RLI Brokers have had access to our producer portal and quoting platform to quote and submit business to us for final submission. 
We have been encouraging our RLI brokers to transition away from submitting applications and checks to us (manual/agency bill) to processing on the RLI portal (electronically/direct bill), as we know RLI’s plan is to make this process permanent. Additionally, the electronic process provides brokers and their clients with a quicker and more efficient experience. We are ready to make this change permanent. By the end of August 2023, manual/agency bill will no longer be an option.
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Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia