September 2023 Q&A with Affinity HR Group

Question: Can I restrict employees from using their smartphones while working? Or when in the workplace? 

Answer: Yes, you can restrict most cell phone or smartphone access and/or usage even though the reason behind doing so may vary from situation to situation. This restriction can only be during work times so employees will usually need to be able to access and use their phones during breaks.

Employees' phones and their usage can cause several issues. They can keep employees from properly and efficiently completing their job duties. Or they can distract others in the same space through the conversation or alert tones. If used for streaming music or videos, these phones can cause disruption to the environment as well as slow down internet speed. These phones can bring safety concerns either by being a distraction or by their physical presence in some work areas. 

If employees do not need their phones for work purposes, you can establish clear policy that they must be kept out of sight, perhaps locked in a drawer, locker, or vehicle except when used during an approved break period. If there is an emergency situation (i.e., the employee is waiting for a call from a doctor), then allow them to have it on a limited basis with approval.

If employees use their phones for work, you can limit the usage to business purposes and prohibit distractions during work time. This can also apply to remote employees. 

Whatever restrictions you want to impose, be sure to have a clear written policy and apply it consistently to all employees.

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