Workplace Q&A: I just found out one of my employees is job-hunting. What should I do?

Q: I just found out one of my employees is job-hunting. What should I do? 

A: While a common reaction is to get defensive, it is not necessarily a bad thing when an employee explores the job market. Usually, employees who meet with other companies will either find a better opportunity allowing you to find someone more engaged or they will realize they have a good thing and recommit to your company. 

Under an employment-at-will relationship, employees are free to search for other employment opportunities. How you react will probably depend on how valuable the employee is to you and your company.

If you are ready for the employee to leave, then you can terminate them for any legal reason. Just be certain you can show you are not terminating them for discriminatory reasons. Or you may want to wait until they find another opportunity so they leave voluntarily, reducing your exposure to unemployment or legal complaints.

However, if you want the employee to stay, consider talking to them about why they want to leave. You may be able to offer some of the things they are looking for or perhaps just feeling "heard" will make them want to stay.

Please note that if there is an employment contract in place, things must be handled differently on both sides.

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