Independent Insurance Agents of Virginia

March 2017
Johnson & Johnson


Calibre Insurance Advisors LLC District 5
Yergey Insurance Services LLC District 5
Thomas Caldwell Insurance District 5
Belman Klein Associates LTD District 99
Coverage Pros LLC District 3
VA Insurance Group District 3

Lawyer's Staffing Inc. 
Normandy Insurance Company
Kite Tech Group
Whether you’re an account manager, producer or principal....right now stop everything you’re doing and register for the IIAV InsurEXPO17 at www.iiav.com/insurEXPO at the Downtown Richmond Marriott on April 24-25. No matter who or what you do for the agency, there’s a speaker to grab your interest. Plus I’ll go out on a limb and say that the trade show will be another sold out event by our industry partners. Don’t put this off another minute of another day.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427692&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

Millers Mutual Insurance Company
ATLANTA -- Organic revenue growth among agencies and brokerage firms fell in 2016 to 4.2 percent — its lowest annual rate since 2011. The year ended on a positive note, however, as fourth-quarter organic growth outpaced the 3.6 percent recorded in the third quarter.

"The fourth-quarter uptick was among several factors that are making brokers optimistic that better days are ahead," said Kevin Stipe, president of Reagan Consulting, a management consulting and merger-and-acquisition advisory firm for the insurance distribution system. "In fact, brokers participating in Reagan Consulting's Organic Growth and Profitability (OGP) Survey are projecting 6.0% organic growth in 2017."

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427537&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

By Randy Conley

I don’t have an exact count, but over the years of conducting training classes on Building Trust or speaking to large groups about trust and leadership, I’ve worked with thousands of employees around the globe from all sorts of organizations and industries.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427543&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

We're excited to announce that RLI has created a new video to help you educate customers on the benefits of personal umbrella insurance!

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427644&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

IIAV has teamed up with the U.S. Small Business Administration- Virginia Edition to place an ad in the 2017 Resource Guide for Small Business. This publication is produced every year with 10,000 copies in circulation. IIAV’s full page advertisement promoting the use of independent insurance agents has valued placement on the inside front cover.

This resource guide is popular with local start-up and established small businesses, Chambers of Commerce, Small Business Develop Centers, libraries, Community Development Corporations, and Economic Development groups. The Resource Guide for Small Business is also frequently used for conventions, trade shows, and workshops.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427569&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

The ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​insurEXPO is IIAV's alternative format of its annual convention, previously held in June. This fast-paced, 24-hour expo offers maximized learning and networking while minimizing your time away from the office. This premier expo allows you to find markets for your agency and cultivate new or existing relationships with a wide range of insurance companies and vendors. In addition to "can’t miss" General Sessions, insurEXPO will feature your choice of breakout sessions offering continuing education and valuable information to take back to your agency. This event is beneficial to all agencies – captive or independent. All employees are encouraged to attend including principals, producers and account managers. To register online please follow this link and for more information please go to our website at www.iiav.com
IIAV’s Young Agents have a LOT going on and they want you (young or not!) to be a part of it. Mark your calendars and plan to attend the events below!

Regional Socials
In partnership with Virginia Bankers Association, Virginia Society of CPAs, and Virginia Financial Planners Association! (And they’re all free to attend!) To register for a regional social, please email Carter Lyons (clyons@iiav.com)

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427683&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

It’s not too early to start thinking about your CE for the biennium! Flash back to the end of last biennium – wouldn’t you have been thanking yourself in November if you had already completed your CE? (Or maybe you were!) Either way, thank yourself later by registering for classes now - our education calendar is full of ways to do this!

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427646&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

Thanks to a partnership between IIAV and Insurance Journal’s Academy of Insurance, all 200-plus On Demand and Upcoming Live Academy of Insurance webinars are available to you at 25% off. Use discount code IIAV at checkout.

The Academy of Insurance is the trusted educational partner for the P&C Insurance industry. They provide relevant content that keeps customers up to date on insurance topics while using innovative learning technologies and techniques to engage partners in training.

In addition, the Academy of Insurance's Annual Membership is available to you for 15% off. Use discount code IIAV at checkout.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427687&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.


Evernote rolled out version 8.0 of its iOS app in January, overhauling the interface and streamlining the features. The new app makes it faster and easier to find your notes — a common complaint about Evernote in the past. You can also now start a new note with the tap of a button, the app is more colorful and better designed, and its features are pared-down. For full details, check out what Evernote has to say about this new version.

This app can be downloaded for free on iTunes.

If you have an app you would like to share email Carter Lyons, clyons@iiav.com
As health care costs continue to rise, many employers are taking advantage of employee pay benefits. These benefits are commonly known as "voluntary benefits". Most voluntary benefits are pre-taxed and therefore can reduce both the employer and the employee’s FICA tax. These benefits can include life insurance, dental, critical illness coverage, hospital indemnity coverage which is helpful as more employers increase their group health insurance deductibles, as well as other coverages. AP Group is proud to have a unique alliance with AFLAC, one of the nation’s leaders in voluntary benefits. Call me today to learn more about our unique alliance with AFLAC and how voluntary benefits can help you.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427689&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

Agencies are served with subpoenas with regularity. My experience leads me to believe that many agents do not understand the significance of subpoenas. The purpose of this E & O Tip is to provide some of my recommendations in handling subpoenas.

First, what is a subpoena? Although subpoenas are usually signed by attorneys, rather than by judges or clerks of court, they are nevertheless court orders. Both the applicable federal and Virginia rules provide for the issuance of subpoenas.

Visit https://www.naylornetwork.com/via-nwl/articles/indexV2.asp?aid=427690&issueID=51944 to view the full article online.

Atlantic Specialty Lines, Inc.
AmTrust North America
Penn National Insurance