The Virginian

Tidewater District Update

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Virtual Business Meeting on September 23rd - We hosted our first Virtual Business Meeting and Lecture with our friends from Direct Performance. Dr. Jake McCrowell DPT, CMTPT, SFMA and Dr. Stephen McKenzie DPT, Cer. MDT gave us an overview of Running Gait Analysis with accessible apps and technology!
Global PT Day of Service - Our members engaged in what inspired them most on
New Leadership - We are very happy to welcome Laura Standard back as our Director for her second term! We also extend a warm welcome to our new treasurer, David Furrow, who is new to Tidewater District but not new to the APTA Virginia -- we are very lucky to have him join our team! A BIG congratulations are in order for Tony Grillo as new President Elect for APTA VA and Emily Hawkins, State Treasurer from right here in the Tidewater District!
Thank you to all Tidewater Members that participated in Fall Summit - Special shout out to our Tidewater Members with Poster Presentations that are available for your viewing pleasure until 11/30!

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