The Virginian

President's Message

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I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer and enjoying the warm weather. We have had several exciting things happen over the last few weeks. Our first in-person (hybrid) Board of Directors meeting took place in June at the beautiful new APTA Headquarters, and it was great to see many faces after so long. We have approved a solid budget for the coming fiscal year and have weathered the events of last year to emerge in a great position overall.

APTA Virginia hosted a successful Spring Education event and has adopted a new format that will provide educational opportunities throughout the year. This new program is called "Virginia is for Learners," and we will share much more on this as we continue to work out the details and roll it out in 2022.

As a reminder, our direct access legislation, which increases the time a PT can see a patient by direct access from 30 days to 60 days, has gone into effect on July 1 of this year. For any questions regarding this, please visit our website.

Finally, I am very much looking forward to the fall, which will bring some large events! Our annual Fall Summit will take place on November 6. At this event, we will have some outstanding educational opportunities along with a fun and interactive trivia night for our annual PAC event, and of course it will include the annual members meeting. APTA will be celebrating our Centennial in DC this September with a number of events. I encourage you to visit the website for a detailed list of events and dates. These events include the annual Federal Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill (formerly Federal Advocacy Forum), to which I will ask everyone to join us at our nation’s capital to meet with our legislators and advocate for our profession. Please reach out to us at with any questions.

Thank you all for your membership, enjoy the summer and stay well!

Tony Grillo, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT

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