The Virginian

Mountain District Update

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Greetings members!  There has been several opportunities for networking this spring and summer in the Mountain District of the VPTA.  In April the district hosted a continuing education event at Wytheville Community College.  The event was presented by Julia Castleberry MS PT, DPT, CLT, GCS, NCS, CDP, CES.  Dr. Castleberry is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy at Emory & Henry College and Director of the Falls Prevention Center at E&H.  The topic for the course was "Updating your Stroke Toolbox."  The event was well received and attended.  Thank you to all participants and Dr. Castleberry for a day full of educational development.  We look forward to hosting more CE events in the future, and we hope to see you then. 

Immediately following the April CE course, the district hosted the spring business meeting.  The item of interest from the business meeting was the passing of the revised bylaws.  Revision of the district bylaws was needed to comply with the revised chapter bylaws and also the use of online voting for elections.  We appreciate all those in attendance for the meeting.  We also extend a HUGE thank you to Mountain District Director Laura Baldwin for her work on the district bylaws.

In June the Mountain District partnered with Emory & Henry College Physical Therapy Program for a night of Student Research Presentations.  The evening began with time for networking and tours of the E&H School of Health Sciences in Marion, Virginia.  During the tour student presenters were available to guests to display their research posters and accept any questions.  Following the tours students presented their research.  Type 2 continuing education credit was awarded for attendance to the poster and research presentations.  We would like to thank the E&H School of Health Sciences for hosting the event.  Also thank you to the E&H Physical Therapy Program students and congratulations on a job well done! Members, look for this opportunity to become an annual event and worth type 1 credit in the future, hopefully.

As a reminder Chapter and District elections are coming up.  Remember PTA’s now have a full vote.  If you are interested in serving the Chapter or District in any capacity please contact Barret Blevins, Mountain District Chair ( or Laura Bladwin, Mountain District Director (  We are always looking for passionate members to assist in leadership and committee roles.

Please stay tuned to VPTA Mountain District events and news with our Facebook page (  Also please keep your email address up to date and watch for emails from our district leadership if you are not connected to social media.  And of course you can always stay updated on VPTA events at