The Virginian

Update on ASH and RPN

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Attention VPTA members,

American Specialty Health (ASH) was able to confirm that Cigna is expanding its current national relationship with ASH to administer physical and occupational therapy (PT/OT) services for their customers with Cigna benefit plans in the Mid-Atlantic market, including Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia and specific counties in West Virginia, beginning August 1, 2018.  The application submission deadline is June 15, for the August 1, 2018 effective date.

As a clarification to prior communications:

  • ASH and CIGNA have expressed an interest in Rehab Provider Network (RPN) continuing to maintain their portion of the Virginia Network.  RPN has begun to meet and negotiate with ASH the structure of their continued relationship to provide access to Cigna customers.   You can expect a decision shortly regarding RPN’s continued participation and will do so on or before the June 15th, 2018 deadline.

  • Cigna also has direct contracts with PTOT providers in Virginia and those providers should continue to work with ASH representatives based on the direct communications from Cigna and ASH.

  • ASH has been delegated to provide a contracted and credentialed network of PT and OT providers that are in private practice, free standing facilities. Cigna will maintain its contracts with multispecialty groups and hospital based PTOT providers as well as Speech Therapy.

  • Cigna’s existing network of PTOT providers have been sent notice by Cigna and ASH has also sent credentialing information in support of the transition.

  • In order to remain as a provider of In-Network PTOT services effective August 1st, 2018, PTOT providers, as described above, need to submit credentialing information to ASH by June 15, 2018. RPN providers will receive communication and direction as well, in the same regard, from RPN.

  • Following the June 15th deadline date, ASH will be conducting a series of provider education seminars in our area to prepare the network for the August 1st effective date. The seminars will feature both a clinical and administrative overview of ASH including its online portal ASHLink. ASHLink provides electronic online support and the ability to transact eligibility, medical information and claims while earning additional incentive dollars. The VAPTA will also provide access to the scheduling and locations of those seminars.

  • ASH also has representatives scheduling appointments with provider offices in our area to help support education and the submission of credentialing documents, please feel free to contact them and schedule an in office appointment at 1-888-511- 2746, option 1.

Click Here for the Cigna endorsement letter