A Note from Josh Bailey, VPTA President

Greetings. We have had an interesting few weeks with regards to healthcare in the legislative arena. Like many legislative efforts, it was a long hard fight that took a lot of time and resources. Providing a mode for a legislative voice is a key value to our members and subsequently, it is why it is critically important that you remain involved and engaged.

The APTA has represented all of us over the last 20 years in the battle to remove the arbitrary Medicare Cap. We have presented a consistent message year after year; balancing a budget on the backs of the sickest and weakest among us is not to be tolerated. Due to efforts of the APTA and its constituents, the Medicare hard cap has now been fully repealed. Although this is a massive win for our patients, it did not come without a cost. Currently, new legislation indicates that in 2022, treatments where a PTA provides part or all of the care would have a modifier appended and a 15% reduction in reimbursement. To be clear, this reimbursement cut was not advocated by the APTA nor was it even discussed during lobbying efforts. The legislation, as written, was passed by Congressional representatives with the rationale that Nurse Practitioners and Physician’s Assistants are reimbursed similarly. This is a flawed theoretical concept that will require your involvement to challenge. Physical Therapist Assistant require PT oversight much different than NP and PA’s. A 15% reimbursement cut while sustaining all supervision requirements would be unfair and ultimately unsustainable for many.

I challenge each of you to be engaged and make your voice heard regarding this new legislation. Better yet, I challenge each of you to find someone with whom you are acquainted that is not a member of the VPTA and invite them to stand along side us in this fight. Certainly, this legislation has an impact to us all. The APTA and the VPTA need your help!

All and only the best,