VPTA Social Media Advertising Opportunities

As our social media outlets have grown (thank you for Liking on Facebook and following on Twitter!), so has interest in publicizing various jobs and courses on our pages. The VPTA has adopted a policy that is consistent with our paid advertising on the website.  Pending approval by the VPTA President, we will advertise all philanthropic courses for FREE on our sites. For-profit courses and all job posting will be advertised at the rates and durations listed below.  Please see the full post on our website (http://conta.cc/2HFVcuV) and pinned to the top of our Facebook page for more details!

Thank you,

Heather Byrne, DPT
Chelsea Lindo, SPT




    $50/4 month posting on the Continuing Education Course Listings Page.


Social Media (to include Facebook and Twitter)

  1. $70/4 month posting: 2 posts per month on Facebook and Twitter, including any photos, videos and links provided by sponsor. This original (aka not ‘Shared’ from sponsor) content is completely dedicated to featuring the sponsor’s product or service. Posts will be specifically scheduled 1 week and 1 month prior to registration deadline.
  2. $40/2 month posting: 2 posts per month on Facebook and Twitter, including any photos, videos and links provided by sponsor. This original (aka not ‘Shared’ from sponsor) content is completely dedicated to featuring the sponsor’s product or service. Posts will be specifically scheduled 1 week and 1 month prior to registration deadline.
  3. $10/1 post: 1 dedicated upload to both Social Media platforms for sponsor’s event. This may be original content or Shared from the host’s page.