A Note from Josh Bailey, VPTA President

SAVE THE DATE: PT PAC event November 2, 2018. This event will be held at 7 p.m. in the Richmond area. We will have a great speaker discussing business automation and decreasing the stress in your practice. All proceeds will go toward the VPTA Political Action Committee whose focus will be on unfettered Direct Access, Licensure compact, and more. Details will be shared soon!

SAVE THE DATE:  2018 Fall Summit November 3, 2018. This event will be a one-day educational event held at South University. Speaker contracts are being finalized presently. We plan to have two awesome speakers with great topics. Mark the date on your calendars now as this is a “must attend event” and registration will be limited to first 75 attendees. A PT Pint Night out on the town will follow, which always proves to be a great time.