Nominating Committee News

Do yourself a favor ….

It is election time again! The nomination period is over, but there is still time to get involved and be slated as a candidate for state and district positions in the VPTA. It is important to note that having contested elections strengthens our organization. We need enthusiastic leaders to further the cause of the VPTA, protecting our practice and how we treat our patients. Aside from the obvious benefit of giving back to our profession, as a leader in the VPTA, there are personal benefits as well. Professional networking with other committed PTs in the state can further your practice. In addition, this opportunity allows for you to hone your leadership skills, which has positive carry over into both your professional and personal life. Also, as a VPTA leader, you are involved in the decision-making process in terms of shaping and protecting our profession. 

Do yourself a favor as well as help out your physical therapy colleagues in the state of Virginia. I know that it is difficult to manage your professional and personal life, let alone adding more to your plate by VPTA responsibilities. However, I would charge all of us to strongly consider becoming actively involved in the VPTA by running for an elected position. If we use the excuse of not having enough time, please consider the less than optimal historical perspective of organizations plagued by complacency and a lack of commitment. If we are not willing to invest our time and talents in our organization, the VPTA, we may find ourselves in the situation of having more time on our hands than what is comfortable.  

Please feel free to contact any member of the nominating committee for more information.

Thank you!

Joe Spagnolo PT, DPT, OCS, MTC
Nominating Committee Chair