President's Message from Josh Bailey

Greetings. Thanks to all who attended the Fall Summit in Richmond that occurred in early November. The education components were sold out, and there was a fantastic, and lively, discussion during the annual business meeting. It certainly was a great time of networking with members, vendors and sponsors. Keep an eye out for the plans for next year’s summit.

If you have not already registered for CSM, please do so soon. It is not often that CSM is on the East Coast, which makes for easy travel. The VPTA is sponsoring a great pain science preconference course as our spring education event.

Finally, please take a moment to check out the VPTA website, There have been frequent updates regarding payment issues impacting our Virginia members. Your board and committees have been hard at work to meet with the payers in questions as well as to keep our members informed.

Thank you all for your membership and especially those who selflessly volunteer to make this organization what it is today.