President's Message from Josh Bailey

Dear VPTA members,

The official start to summer will have arrived by the time you read this message. Although most of us welcome summer with open arms, it is always a busy time of year for everyone. Each summer the VPTA invests time in finalizing a slate for state-wide elections as well as preparing for the fall summit (annual meeting).

The VPTA elects nearly half our elected positions each year in early fall and take office in November. If know someone who would be a good fit for office, (including yourself!), you can nominate them here by June 23.  It takes 2 minutes or less! Also, be on the lookout for the ballot in your in box on September 25 as this is your opportunity to exercise your membership and right to vote.

The plans for the fall summit meeting are progressing nicely. This year our annual fall meeting will be held in Richmond and will provide a PAC event on Friday night that will include great education, CEUs and lots of networking. On Saturday, the fall summit will provide 3 educational tracks as well as the annual members meeting and, of course, a pint night to conclude the events. Please plan to attend as this will surely be a do-not-miss event. Registration will open in July.

Last but not least, please keep all of the Virginia delegates in your thoughts as they travel to Chicago to represent you at the APTA House of Delegates in June. There will be over 400 delegates present guide the profession into a successful future. We will be debating and deliberating over 70 topics this year.

Thank you for your membership. Engagement in this organization is the key to success and without you the VPTA would not be possible!

Notice for the VPTA membership:
On June 30, 2019 the VPTA’s association management contract with the APTA will expire. The APTA has opted not to continue in this vein of business going forward and thus the VPTA created a strong task force approximately one year ago to investigate the best options for the organization. The task force, comprised of Dr. Wil Kolb, Dr. Secili DeStefano, and Dr. Tom Bohannon, created a thorough and detailed process to provide the Board of Directors with our best options. After much consideration, the VPTA entered into a contract with ADS who will assume association management services beginning July 1, 2019. There has been a significant amount of behind the scenes work to ensure a smooth transition from APTA to ADS and I trust you will see no interruption of any service provided by the organization. I am pleased to announce that Marie Stravlo will continue to be the Executive Director. Thank you to all who unselfishly volunteered your time to ensure a thoughtful process was in place to maintain strong management of the VPTA!

All and only the best,
Joshua A. Bailey PT,DPT