President's Message

Valued VPTA members,

I hope that you are enjoying your summer. There has been a lot of action within the VPTA lately, so I wanted to take a minute to list a few of the changes/updates to ensure that everyone is up to date.

●     For the last few years, the VPTA has contracted association management services from the APTA. We have been very blessed to work with Marie Stravlo as our executive director, who was employed by the APTA. The APTA determined that it was in its best interest to no longer provide these services to any component (chapters and sections) and provided us notice approximately one year ago. With this news, the VPTA formed a task force of active members to assist in the search for a firm to replace the APTA and manage our association. After a very thorough process, ADS was selected as the management firm. ADS is a new business that is owned and operated by Marie Stravlo, which means that there will be only a few discernible changes that will impact our organization. You can now reach Marie at

●     The VPTA was well-represented at the 2019 APTA House of Delegates. Your elected delegates diligently worked through more than 70 RCs, including one that was proposed by the VPTA. Our delegation was led by Chief Delegate Shawne Soper. Dr. Soper completed her final term as chief for Virginia. Shawne, we thank you for your dedication and leadership. Thanks are also extended to all of the delegates who left their families and work obligations to act on behalf of the VPTA and guide our national association.

●     Planning for the 2019 Fall Summit is well underway. There will be three educational events in addition to our annual meeting and also great networking. This will be held at South University in Richmond. Please mark your calendars for November 9th and register today! Make sure to attend, as we will be voting on the desire of the membership to create an Early Professional Special Interest Group.

●     Also, please do not forget that the VPTA will be holding a great multi-disciplinary talk on Friday night, November 8th. This will be a fundraiser for our Political/Legislative Action Committee. We must raise funds to support all legislative actions, as member dues cannot be used in this manner. If you are not able to make it, you may donate online. Legislative targets will include the following: fair copay legislation, direct access expansion, dry needling managing details around the athletic trainer’s practice act, and disability placard privileges. These targets were determined at our strategic planning meeting in March, but they cannot come to fruition without your financial support. If you’d like to attend this event AND the summit on Saturday, please register here. If you want to attend only the PAC fundraiser on Friday, please register here.

●     The Nominating Committee has been working all year under the direction of Dr. Joe Spagnolo to develop a full slate of candidates for open positions. If you missed the opportunity to nominate someone (or yourself), you can still be added to the slate by petition. For details on this process, please reach out to Marie at

In closing, thank you for your continued membership, and thank you to our wonderful volunteers. There are many opportunities, large and small, to be involved in this organization. Your commitment and engagement is the absolute lifeblood of the VPTA. I take very seriously the trust that you have provided me to lead this organization. Thank you for your support as we continue to grow and develop the organization to progress the field of physical therapy in Virginia.


Josh Bailey PT, DPT

Certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist

Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

Certified Pedorthist

President, VPTA