President's Message

APTA-Virginia members,
I hope this message finds you and your families all happy, safe and working in a more normal capacity. This pandemic has had a major impact on every facet of physical therapy. There have been many who have lost jobs or income, as well as PTs and PTAs who have had to work in new or unusual roles to provide for safe patient care. Patients have not been able to reach physical therapists and PT assistants in the same way as they have traditionally. Telehealth has gained some traction, and telehealth platforms have proliferated. Third-party payers have made accommodations to allow patient to better access care at lower costs. There is now a diagnosis of Post-COVID syndrome. PT providers are working crazy hours to allow for adequate social distancing. Members are struggling to get enrolled in type 1 CEUs. These are all ways that COVID-19 has impacted our clinical practices. COVID has also impacted our organization. Our membership has dipped a little as people try to make ends meet. The APTA has created a 3-month grace period on membership dues in order to assist with this process. Since dues revenue is our primary source of income, we are having to plan differently for the coming year. We continue to strive to provide great benefits to our members beyond the comradery that comes with being a member of APTA-Virginia. Please continue to encourage your colleagues to join or remain part of the organization. As Dr. Sharon Dunn likes to say: “We are better together.”
All the best,
Joshua A. Bailey, PT, DPT