President's Message

Hello everyone! My name is Dr. Tony Grillo and it is my great pleasure to say hello and introduce myself as the new President of APTA Virginia. I want to thank Dr. Josh Bailey for his many years of leadership to this organization and his mentorship over the last year. Josh, Marie Stravlo (our Executive Director), and many of our other board members have worked tirelessly over the last several years to expand and improve APTA Virginia and I am proud to be a part of what it has become.
Despite being restricted to a virtual format this year due to COVID, we had a fantastic Fall Summit. Our PAC event and panel discussion with guest presenter Craig Johnson was a huge success in raising money for our legislative efforts, and Julie Ries, PT, PhD gave an outstanding course on Saturday which was extremely well attended and received excellent feedback. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in person again at future events as soon as we are safely able to do so.
We are now turning our attention to the turn of the year and our legislative efforts – which include expanding Direct Access to Physical Therapy as well as Fair Co-pay legislation, which is aimed at reducing the cost of patient’s co-pays for our services. There will be more information to come very soon on some very quick and simple ways everyone can help our efforts this year. This legislation directly impacts every specialty of Physical Therapy, increases our autonomy in the world of healthcare, and allows us to make a difference in the lives of more patients. I strongly encourage everyone to participate. 
Thank you again for allowing me to represent you in my new role. I am looking forward to the next 2 years of service to APTA Virginia!
All the best,
Tony Grillo, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT