President's Message

The weather is getting warmer as summer is rapidly approaching. Our Governor has recently eased restrictions on businesses and indoor/outdoor gatherings as the incident rate of new cases continues to decrease. I am very happy to report that we will have our first in-person (hybrid) board of directors meeting in well over a year, and it will be fantastic to see folks in person again. I know we are all looking forward to a continued transition back to ‘normal.’
As a reminder, our direct access bill, which increases the amount of time a PT can see a patient by direct access from 30 days to 60 days, was signed into law in March and will go into effect on July 1. Unfettered direct access is on the top of our legislative priority list for 2022 and beyond. As COVID restrictions continue to lift and our state legislature gets back to typical business practices, our legislative agenda in the next 2–3 years will be large. We strongly encourage everyone to help our cause by donating to our PAC, which is the lifeblood of our efforts as we strive to improve the autonomy of our profession. Even small amounts like $10 or $15 help and are greatly appreciated.
Finally, I want to give a shout-out to everyone who serves an active role with APTA Virginia. We have a wonderful group of folks who volunteer their time and ensure that our chapter runs smoothly and brings value to our members. If you’re curious about what goes on at the state or chapter level or are looking to get involved, I highly recommend you reach out to us. The number of events, community outreach, and meetings continue to grow, and we are always looking for new faces who want to engage in their profession. We have micro-volunteerism opportunities in a wide variety of possibilities. I would encourage you to attend a meeting at your district level or contact us to see what’s going on in your area to learn other ways to volunteer and get involved. Thanks!
Tony Grillo, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT