President's Message

Summer is flying by and the end of the year will be on us before we know it. This is a busy time of year for all of us with school starting back up and the number of PT-related events that seem to all happen in the fall around October, which is National Physical Therapy Month. The pace of life and work quickly ramps up, and things at APTA Virginia are no exception! We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to continuing education, with time and cost being primary considerations. With that in mind, I want to remind you that we have kicked off our fantastic new educational format ‘Virginia is for Learners’ in July and have both in-person and virtual content scheduled for the rest of the year at excellent rates, including on-demand through our new Education Center. This will take us to our Fall Summit, which will be hosted by Emory & Henry College. We are so happy to be back in person for our annual conference this year, and Emory & Henry is thrilled to have us. We eagerly invite you to check out some great events and beautiful autumn scenery in the mountains!
Along the way you might see some emails and content promoting our PAC fundraising events and competition, as well as Trivia Night at the Fall Summit to support the PAC. In the same spirit of boosting continuing education, we are also developing our PAC activity with more fundraising throughout the year. These funds are critical to our ability to advocate and advance our professional interests at the state and national level. Advocacy is not just proactive legislation aimed at advancing our scope of practice and autonomy, but also includes working to defeat proposed legislation that is detrimental to our profession. Much like the military defending our nation’s freedom, stopping these threats is a constant battle…and trust me, the wolves are always waiting at the door. For more information about the PAC and how to donate, please visit our website.
Take care, and I hope to see you all at the Fall Summit!

Tony Grillo, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT