President’s Message

As I write this message, APTA Virginia's Direct Access legislation is making its way through the Virginia Legislature. You have undoubtedly seen numerous emails asking for your help in making this a success. Our legislation, if passed, will have a substantial impact on our professional autonomy in Virginia.
Summary points of the bill include:
•  Removal of the 60-day time limit on Direct Access.
•  Trigger Point Dry Needling can be performed under Direct Access. 
•  Pediatric PTs can see patients who have a 504 plan under Direct Access.
Our Senate bill (SB 1005) has passed the Senate subcommittee 7/0, passed the committee almost unanimously (1 abstention), and will now head to the full Senate for a vote next week.
The House sister bill (HB 2359) has been referred to House subcommittee #1. It will be an identical bill to the one that passed the Senate committee.
By the time you read this, there will have been several updates. Keep an eye out for emails with ongoing information and opportunities for advocacy. Additionally, we will include sample letters that you can use to contact your elected officials and will take less than two minutes to complete. We continuously hear from delegates and senators that outreach from their constituents influences their voting decisions. YOUR LETTERS ARE NOT INSIGNIFICANT! We need to make our voices heard, because I can assure you that those who oppose this legislation are doing just that.
For those who have already done this and continue to do so, THANK YOU!
Finally, as a reminder, the 2023 Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) will be in San Diego from February 23–25. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there!
Tony Grillo, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT