President’s Message

I hope everyone has enjoyed a fun and relaxing summer so far. While it might seem like autumn is a long way off, it will arrive before we know it. With the change of season comes our Annual Fall Summit. In this edition of the newsletter, I want to highlight this year's conference and all the exciting events we have planned. Honestly, I've never been so excited about one of our events. The University of Lynchburg will host this year's Annual Fall Summit on October 6th and 7th. We are deeply grateful to them for hosting us.    

We have an awesome lineup of courses from well-known presenters, and content for clinicians and students alike. Virginia Simmons will teach a fantastic course on dementia and Alzheimer's Disease. This is the first in a series to become a Certified Dementia Practitioner, should you wish to pursue this specialization. Non-physical therapy professionals who work with this population are strongly encouraged to attend as well! The exhibit hall will be open during breaks and downtime, so make sure you check out all of the posters and platform research presentations.

Our Annual Members Meeting will be held on Friday evening. Join us for a plated meal and learn what APTA Virginia has been up to as well as what our future holds. Following the members meeting, we will kick off our much-anticipated Trivia Night fundraiser, which takes place at the Annual Fall Summit each year. Last year's event was an absolute blast, and this year's event is expected to be even better with prizes! This effort, led by the APTA Virginia Political Action Committee, allows physical therapy professionals to participate in the raising of funds that benefit the APTA Virginia PAC by participating in some eats, drinks, and thinks.

Why is your participation important? Funds raised for the APTA Virginia PAC allow us to educate and help elect the right candidates – those who understand and support the practice of physical therapy and who are committed to a successful economic and regulatory environment for physical therapists and the communities they serve across Virginia. As evidenced by the passing of our Direct Access and Dry Needling legislation, these PAC funds are vital to our advocacy efforts.

This year’s Fall Summit would not be possible without the tireless efforts of Charlene Jensen, PT, DPT; Lee Ann Eagler, PT, DPT; Amanda Avila Miller, PT, DPT; Brian Britt, PT, DPT; Barz Kim, SPT; Emma Wagley, SPT; Megan McIntyre, PT, DPT; Reiko Simmons, PT, DPT; Brandon Smith, PT, DPT; and Chase Edwards, PT, DPT, ATC, MA. They have volunteered countless hours to make this event a success. 

Wishing you a wonderful remainder of your summer and looking forward to seeing everyone there.


Tony Grillo, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT
APTA Virginia President