The Virginian
Student News
Bylaws Approval
  • Presented by Reiko Simmons and Parliamentarian Shawne Soper
  • Discussion about why we are amending the bylaws
  • Member's vote on bylaws
What You Didn't Know About Being a New Grad
Q&A style panel with panelists:
And a PTA to be announced soon.
No charge for the Student SIG Meeting.
Industry News
American Physical Therapy Association
A group of clinicians with experience in managing large numbers of patients with COVID-19 have developed a new guide titled "What Now for Rehabilitation Specialists," which offers recommendations that emphasize early rehab.
American Physical Therapy Association
This year’s National Physical Therapy Month focus is on the importance of physical activity and the role of PTs and PTAs in helping people get moving – a focus that’s also in line with APTA’s latest #ChoosePT public awareness campaign.
American Physical Therapy Association
A bipartisan bill that allows the government to remain open for business until December 11 also includes provision for providers who received Medicare Accelerated and Advance Payment Program loans – repayments have been pushed back to one year after the loan was issued.