The Virginian
Action Alert: Custom Wheelchair Legislation
We need you to help raise awareness and pass H.B.241 and associated budget amendments (304#40h and 304#10s). These bills close the gap in care and allow our neighbors residing in nursing homes access to custom wheelchairs through their Medicaid insurance.
PLEASE OPPOSE HB 45: Health Carriers, Athletic Trainers
If you haven’t already, it’s not too late to reach out to your legislators opposing HB 45. This bill has passed both the House and Senate committees and will be heard on the floor before long.
Take Action Today!
Action is needed for a legislative issue! A bill was recently heard that would mandate health insurers, including athletic trainers be paid for rehab services. We strongly OPPOSE this legislation and must urge legislators to do the same. Please contact your representative and use the talking points below.
APTA Advocacy Awards: Nominations are open for the Federal Government Affairs Leadership Award and the Public Service Award. Both awards will be presented at the 2022 APTA Leadership Congress in Washington, DC. The Federal Government Affairs Leadership Award is presented to an APTA member who has made significant contributions to APTA’s federal government affairs efforts and has shown exemplary leadership in furthering the association’s objectives.
Student News
The Student Relations Committee would like to congratulate Anna Yoon, SPT on her receipt of the 2021 APTA Virginia Student Minority Scholarship Award in the amount of $1000. Anna, a third-year PT student at the University of Lynchburg, embodies every aspect of a promising young professional. The purpose of the Student Minority Scholarship Award is to acknowledge and reward demonstrated participation in minority affairs activities & services, the potential for superior achievements in the profession of physical therapy, appropriate display of professionalism as a future physical therapist or physical therapist assistant, and academic excellence.
District News
Sentara Careplex will be hosting the Tidewater District on Wednesday, February, 23, 2022 at 6:30 pm. We will have a business meeting followed by our sponsor, Aspen Medical Products. Aspen is providing dinner for all attendees. Our guest speakers begin at 7:00 pm to present “Exercise During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: What is the best way to keep these women moving safely?”

Sunday, April 3, 2022 the Tidewater District is hosting a “spring-fling” social event at Mt. Trashmore to give back to all members. It is a free all-day event with games and lunch provided. In addition, if a member brings a non-member they will be entered for a raffle to win APTA gear. If you are interested in assisting with this event, please email us at We look forward to seeing you there!
SIG Updates
My name is Manolya Martin and I am the Nominating Committee Chair for this year’s Student Special Interest Group (SSIG). I would like to cordially invite all first- and second-year DPT students and first-year PTA students to apply for student positions for the next year’s SSIG cohort, as it’s officially election season! (Please note that you must be a current VPTA member to apply.)
Industry News
American Physical Therapy Association
Many changes to approval for DMEPOS -- durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies – could affect PT professionals. APTA recommends reviewing the list from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
New legislation affects PTs, OTs, and SLPs who provide cash-pay services to uninsured or self-pay patients. Check out this explainer that draws from information provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the American Physical Therapy Association.
The best way to prevent a claim denial due to incorrect payer information is to immediately verify the information your patients give you. Here’s how to check insurance benefits in three steps.