The Virginian
As a valued member of APTA VA we want to make sure you are aware of this information about Anthem as we know it may impact your practice. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.


APTA Practice and Payor Relations Committee
Here is a recent update regarding the Federal Affairs Liaison 2022 Briefing and APTA.
APTA Virginia is a non-profit that operates because of the countless hours that its members give of themselves. The Virginia Chapter believes that volunteering should be fun, engaging, a networking opportunity, and use your unique skill set.
We have an immediate need to fill the position of the Awards Committee Chair!
It is a fun, engaging opportunity where you get to play a hand in award nominations. To get more information on this committee, use this link!
If you are interested in serving the chapter, please contact us at so we can discuss further. No experience is required.
APTA Virginia is seeking two important roles on our Communications Committee. The Communications Committee has a vital role in spreading information about physical therapy to PT, PTA and those who benefit from physical therapy. If you are interested, please let us know soonest. Don’t be shy! We know we have talented members; we just need to know that you’re interested.
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” — Elizabeth Andrew
The Pediatric SIG is pleased to present opportunities for APTA Virginia members to volunteer. Please email us at if you would like to share additional opportunities and we will be glad to highlight them for the PSIG members.
Industry News
American Physical Therapy Association
A study from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Inspector General found a pattern of denial for services that should have been covered – echoing APTA’s longstanding concerns.
A quality electronic medical records (EMR) system will streamline documentation and make your PT clinic more efficient. Here are five qualities an EMR system must have to meet the demands of a modern PT practice.
Journal of Physical Therapy Education
Successful Directors and Site Coordinators of Clinical Education share common characteristics that follow the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leaders, an established leadership framework.