The Virginian

From left to right: Virginia Governor Glen Younkin, APTA Virginia State Legislative Affairs Chair Thomas Jerry Bohanon, Jr, PT, DPT, APTA Virginia President Anthony M. Grillo, PT, DPT and Senator Siobhan Dunnavant.

Thank you to Senator Dunnavant, Governor Younkin, and all the other legislators who have been so supportive of our legislation and the profession of Physical Therapy

During the 2023 General Assembly Session, legislation was passed to amend Va. Code § 54.1-3482 to remove certain timeframes for practitioner referrals for direct access, as well as to clarify the performance of dry needling without referral for qualified practitioners. The legislation includes provisions related to physical therapy services provided without referral or supervision to infants and toddlers with individualized services plans under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. § 1431 et seq.) and to students with disabilities who require physical therapy services pursuant to § 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

These legislative changes became effective July 1, 2023. The full text of these changes can be found here: HB 2359/SB 1005. Please note that the Board has updated the Direct Access Patient Attestation and Medical Release Form to reflect changes in the statutory language. Read More…

Student News

As we soak up the last bit of summer and look towards transitioning into this upcoming academic year, fresh classes, and an abundance of new professional opportunities, there is no better time to reintroduce and get well acquainted with who we are and what we do! Please take a minute or two to read through this Q&A, you certainly won’t regret it. Read More…

District News

This course uses the movement system impairment syndromes approach, symptom modification procedure, and principles of motor learning to address the common problem of plantar heel pain syndromes.

Course attendees will leave with a process to enhance and sharpen the clinician’s well-established toolkit, action to provide case level evidence of efficient valuable patient centered care, information that can lead to personalized treatment, and specific movement/functional skill training for plantar heel pain syndrome, which is more effective in the short term and long term than frequently prescribed exercise – faster results, more durable. Learn More…

Early Bird Rate Available July 10 – August 31, 2023
Discount Code: earlybird10%
Limit one discount code per registrant. Cannot be combined with any other promo code.

Industry News
American Physical Therapy Association
Commercial insurer UnitedHealthcare has reversed course on the most problematic elements of its expanded policies. The payer will not require additional signoffs for PT services.
Evidence in Motion
It’s unavoidable that PTs are treating patients who are also dealing with mental health challenges. It’s a difficult topic that PTs must consider, given that mental health is a growing issue in our country.
Clinics can generate revenue through expanded service offerings, particularly recovery services as patients are looking for a more holistic approach to their health and wellness.