The Virginian

Student News
Submitted by Sarah Strong, SPT, Shenandoah University PT Class of 2020

The purpose of National Advocacy Dinner is to bring physical therapy students together to learn about, and discuss, advocacy for the profession and the patients we serve. These events often involve speakers, talking points, and discussion among students about how we can get involved and make a difference as student advocates.
District News
On May 9, 2019, Blue Ridge District hosted a wonderful meeting at the Capital Ale House in Harrisonburg, VA. Nine clinicians and students were in attendance at the meeting. There was lively discussion of the upcoming House of Delegates and the plethora of RCs on the table for review this year at the House. The members also enacted our 2019-2020 budget, which adds provisions for application for a service-based stipend and a student-engagement scholarship for this upcoming year. So members, clinician and student - stay tuned for the application to be released and watch for the application deadline of Sept 30, 2019. 
The second VPTA meeting was held on May 22nd with guest speaker Dr. Steni Sackirayas presenting “A Comprehensive Medical Screening and Differential Diagnosis Process in Rehabilitation.” Future events for the Tidewater area include the “13th Annual Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine Update” on June 13th at the Brickhouse Auditorium in the main campus of Children’s Hospital of the Kings Daughters. Register here at:
Industry News
PT in Motion News
The Department of Health and Human Services' final report on pain management best practices makes recommendations consistent with the APTA's white paper "Beyond Opioids: How Physical Therapy Can Transform Pain Management to Improve Health."
The Hill
The bipartisan Physical Therapist Workforce and Patient Act is intended to help address the expected increase in demand for physical therapy services in the coming years.