VRB Newsletter

Long-Term Transportation Funding Defended

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Thanks to you, as a VTCA member, we did it!  We successfully enabled Virginia’s long-term transportation funding to continue designing, building, fixing, and replacing the backbone of Virginia’s economic engine – roads and bridges.

Over the past 6 months, funding for Virginia's future transportation needs have been consistently attacked by the perception there is “too much” money going to transportation.  Politicians looking for a political win wanted to cut back on VTCA’s decades-long effort to provide adequate funding for roads and bridges:

  • There was an effort to cut 5 cents off the gas tax forever.
  • There was an effort to cut the gas tax for 150 days and reduce the July index by 50%.
  • There was an effort to cut the gas tax for 90 days and reduce the July index by 50% - permanently.

At every turn, we were able to provide facts about the long-term consequences of eliminating the funding source for safe and better roads and bridges.  VTCA, the Legislative Committee, the Board of Directors, and individual members made calls and sent emails to legislators pointing out the long-term consequences of cutting transportation funding after VTCA’s efforts.  Good policy won the day.

With the regular session over, and the war in Ukraine raging, gas prices were moving higher and there was no complete budget. VTCA was concerned there might be additional attempts to go after the gas tax.  As a politician looking for future election wins – it’s an easy target.

VTCA mobilized additional forces – we re-engaged Virginians for Better Transportation (VBT).  We reached out to association partners asking them to lend their name in support – most did.  We also reached out the local business groups – local Chambers of Commerce across Virginia.  A core group assembled by VTCA met weekly to discuss strategy, share data, and keep the coalition together. The American Road and Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) provided a great study which we shared with media and legislators.  Members like you, wrote opinion pieces to the media.

When legislation aimed at cutting the gas tax was presented, VTCA and members were in the room testifying about the consequences of the proposal.  The personal testimony lasted about 3 minutes but was very effective.

Finally, VBT also placed digital ads to encourage supporters to contact their legislators to oppose the gas tax cut.  However, gas prices continued to climb and the pressure for many legislators was to provide any relief – even if it provided additional financial windfalls to oil companies.  

On Friday evening, the Virginia Senate on a vote of 20 – 18 rejected cutting the gas tax and permanently reducing the July index.  This is a great win for safer roads.  It’s a great win for VBT.  It’s a great win for VTCA.  It’s a great win for you.

Thank you for your support, your time and your efforts getting involved in policy issues that matter. 

Gordon Dixon
VTCA Executive Vice President



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