VRB Newsletter

DEQ Audit Dates of VDOT MS4 Program Set

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VTCA notified members in July that VDOT was expecting a MS4 inspection and audit by DEQ of VDOT later this summer or early fall.  DEQ has now confirmed the audit dates.  DEQ has announced the audit will take place during the weeks of September 19-23 and September 26-30. 

DEQ regional staff will conduct field inspections at high priority facilities, stormwater management facilities (BMPs), and active construction projects. With the exception of construction activities which may require VDOT/DEQ coordination prior to site visits, DEQ intends to conduct unannounced inspections at high priority facilities and BMPs. 

In anticipation of the audit, VDOT’s leadership has reminded staff to remain vigilant in assuring the Department’s compliance responsibilities continue to be met. The 5-year permit issued to VDOT allows the Department to operate more efficiently in the environmental permitting process and industry plays an important role with VDOT to ensure we maintain the trust to benefit from the blanket permit. 

Citing the Department’s success and anticipation of seeking a renewal of the 5-year permit from DEQ in 2023 the memorandum to VDOT staff includes several examples of areas and activities to ensure compliance. 


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