VRB Newsletter

Bipartisan Workforce Development Agency Created

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Governor Glenn Youngkin's legislation to consolidate and transform Virginia’s fragmented workforce development system was supported by a broad coalition of businesses, trade and industry groups like VTCA, workforce leaders and even unions.  The legislation combines a dozen workforce development programs and data systems under a single agency, the Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement (DWDA) and authorizes that agency to direct all workforce programs across state government to optimize workforce readiness for Virginia’s current and future jobs. See the details here.

“In order to continue to grow and strengthen Virginia’s economy, we need to innovate how we train Virginia’s workforce to drive opportunity and stimulate new business opportunities,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “The Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement will fundamentally accelerate and transform Virginia’s workforce through a bold approach that combines workforce development programs.”   


Secretary of Labor Bryan Slater and Allan Myer's

Shannon Moody 

“For over 30 years, legislators and governors of both parties have contemplated and attempted to consolidate the Commonwealth’s fragmented workforce development system. We were able to assemble a bipartisan group of legislators and stakeholders this year to get it done,” said Secretary of Labor Bryan Slater.  

Delegate Kathy Byron patroned House Bill 2195 and Senators Frank Ruff and George Barker sponsored Senate Bill 1470. 

“A skilled and trained workforce is essential to building a strong and growing economy,” said Delegate Kathy Byron. “This bipartisan legislation will strengthen Virginia’s ability to compete for the businesses that will create jobs, grow our economy, and ensure prosperity.” 

“Many areas of Virginia, particularly rural Virginia, need additional tools to compete in the 21st Century economy. This workforce development transformation will set Virginians up with the skills and training they need to fill high-demand, good-paying jobs,” said Senator Frank Ruff. 

“Workforce development is a bipartisan issue and needs bipartisan solution. This legislation is a perfect example of what happens when people come together and work toward a solution that benefits all Virginians,” said Senator George Barker. “Serving on the Virginia Board of Workforce Development, I know this legislation will prepare Virginia, particularly Northern Virginia, to meet the ever-changing needs of a dynamic economy.” 

The transformation of Virginia’s workforce development system will allow the Commonwealth to: 

  • Deliver programs more efficiently and increase workforce participation, fostering greater business investment, and ultimately, a stronger economy for all Virginians; 
  • Create a comprehensive strategy, balanced with regional flexibility, ensuring programs and services remain consistent with the needs of regions across Virginia; 
  • Develop programs that better align with the needs of businesses and scale programs that work; and 
  • Create a set of measures and metrics focused on jobs filled and people retained in the workforce, with greater accountability of the results. 

VTCA will stay involved with the development and transition of existing programs into the new agency.


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