VRB Newsletter

MSHA’s Stand Down to Save Lives

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  Luck Stone Bull Run Quarry Team with MSHA’s Pat Silvey and Tim Watkins

The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) has designated May 17, 2023, for their Stand Down to Save Lives event. MSHA's Stand Down to Save Lives was a nationwide initiative that encourages the mining community to take steps to prevent injuries and illnesses and stop the alarming rise in the number of miners killed on the job this year. Patricia W. Silvey, MSHA’s Deputy Assistant Secretary for Operations, and Tim Watkins, MSHA’s Deputy Administrator, visited Luck Stone’s Bull Run Quarry and team to promote the Stand Down. Pat and Tim shared safety measures with the team to help prevent injuries that included common hazards, guidance on how to conduct workplace and equipment examinations, and tips on proper task training.

So far in 2023, there have been 19 fatalities in the mining industry nationwide. In 2022, mining saw a total of 29 mining fatalities. 2023 sets a worrisome pace, and it is up to everyone to review your safety plans and emphasize safe practices on your mine sites. Let us all finish 2023 with fewer fatalities and injuries than in 2022.


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