VRB Newsletter

Henrico's Life Ready Expo

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Registration is here for Henrico’s Life Ready Expo on Tuesday, September 19 from 6:00-8:00 pm at Hermitage High School.  

What is it: The Life Ready Expo is the district-wide career exploration event for Richmond area students grades 6-12. The Life Ready Expo offers students and their families the opportunity to talk with employers from each of Virginia’s 17 career clusters, and learn about career pathways, educational requirements along with compensation, and future growth in career fields. 

Why participate: The goal is for students to learn about career pathways (or career clusters) that interest them, while making connections with businesses and industry leaders. To tackle the growing labor shortage,  students need to be exposed to careers far earlier than their senior year. The Life Ready Expo is an opportunity for you to make such connections with students early to build employee capacity for the future. And don’t forget, junior and senior students attending the event will be looking for opportunities for internships, externships, summer employment, as well as careers after graduation.

How do I sign upDeadline to participate is September 1, 2023, and is on a first come, first serve basis by career clusters to ensure every field has representation. After registering at the quick link provided, you will receive more detailed information at the end of August. If you are unable to use the Google Form because of your company’s firewall, please let Erin Hurley know. 

Register Today!


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