VRB Newsletter

A Letter From Our New President

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VTCA Members and Supporters: 

It is with great enthusiasm and commitment that I look forward to leading this alliance in the pursuit of our shared vision for the contractors, aggregate producers, engineers, suppliers, and service providers who design, build, maintain, produce, and provide products for Virginia’s transportation network. Together we have amassed the reputation of being one of the top state transportation construction and non-mineral mining industry advocacy organizations in the United States and together we have the power to maintain and build on our stellar reputation and influence. As we embark on this year together, I want to highlight a few initiatives that are important to VTCA and are near and dear to me.  

Safety: First and foremost, it is important that everybody makes it home safely every night. It is imperative that we continue to raise awareness, implement, and exercise best practices, provide training and resources to our members, and work towards advancing innovation that better protects every single person. There is no better investment.

Workforce Development: We, as VTCA, are currently working with Charles Ryan Associates on a fantastic and important workforce development initiative for our industry. I know that each one of our companies is individually spending our valuable resources, time, and money trying to recruit and retain not only people, but the highest quality talent to our industry. Since investing in the development and retention of a skilled workforce is crucial for the long-term success of our industry, we must stay on task and keep doing the important work. I also believe there needs to be a paradigm shift in the way we approach this issue. We need to think creatively and collectively and collaboratively engage with other alliances, associations, companies, and competitors within our industry, and come together with a unified high-impact national strategy and campaign. Personally, I want to noticeably move the needle on this issue.   

Legislative Advocacy: Let me say first, our lobbyists with Hunton Andrews Kurth are hustling and doing an incredible job of advocating for our interests. I am committing to you that I will work in the best interests of our members and the industries we represent to work closely with elected officials, policymakers, and other industry associations to shape legislation that promotes a favorable business environment, encourages innovation, and supports sustainable growth in our sector. I will endeavor to make sure our collective voice is heard.  

VDOT: We all recognize the importance of strong relationships and partnerships. For most of us, VDOT is one of our largest single clients. If not VDOT, our largest or most important client’s interests somehow touch VDOT and are impacted by the decisions and direction of the department. We must continue to understand, listen, respond, and work with the department. To this end, we will continue to proactively engage with VDOT, foster open lines of communication, share knowledge, and collaborate on initiatives of mutual interest. Furthermore, by working hand-in-hand with VDOT, we will strive to improve project delivery, streamline processes, and advocate for increased and sustained investment in transportation infrastructure. 
These are just a few of many VTCA initiatives and they are just the beginning of our shared journey towards a stronger and more prosperous transportation and non-mineral mining industry in Virginia. Together, we have the knowledge, experience, and determination to achieve our goals and overcome any challenges that lie ahead. As such, I encourage you all to participate in the VTCA's activities, share your ideas, and engage with your fellow members. It is through our collective efforts and collaboration that we will drive positive change and make a lasting impact within our industry and community.  
Let us work together to build a brighter future for our industry, our communities, and the Commonwealth of Virginia. 

Thank you for your continued support and dedication. 


All the best,

Ed Stelter


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