VRB Newsletter

VTCA Aggregates Meet with New MSHA Norton District Leadership

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Earlier this year, the MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration) Norton District welcomed Brian Dotson as the new District Manager. As noted in an earlier Blue Top Article, Mr. Dotson was recently in MSHA’s Pineville Kentucky District. The meeting was held at E. Dillon’s Quarry and offices in Sword’s Creek, VA.

Accompanying Mr. Dotson were Assistant District Manager, David Steffey and Staff Assistant Michael Colley. VTCA’s attendees included our Safety Committee Chair, Wes Samancas, Carmeuse, Vice Chair Andrew Wren, Vulcan, Troy Austin, Luck Stone, Thomas Harris, John Miller, Chase Miller, and Daniel Ball from E. Dillon.

Discussion centered around VTCA’s focus on safety and how we strive to continue to work with MSHA to facilitate safe work environments for our miners. Mr. Dotson expressed MSHA’s interest in also working with VTCA to achieve the same goals.

Additionally, Mr. Dotson told us that the current Staunton Field Office Supervisor, Fred Harless recently transferred to another MSHA District and MSHA will be posting the Staunton Field Office Supervisor position in the very near future.

In the interim, the Staunton Field Office will be administered on a rotation of current inspectors and documentation will be handled by an ADM from another MSHA District.

For any MSHA questions or concerns, please use the Norton Office contact list below.

Also, please mark your calendars for the VTCA Aggregates Safety Seminar on December 6th in Zion Crossroads. Find details here. There is a possibility that representatives from the Norton District may join us.


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