VRB Newsletter

HB-84 Public Notification of Mineral Exploration Activity

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Delegate Shelly Simonds, Virginia’s 70th district, introduced HB-84 – “Public Notification of Mineral Exploration Activity” for consideration by the General Assembly. This bill is designed to require public notification when entities plan to conduct physical mineral exploration such as core drilling on sites. In simple terms, no one will be permitted to confidentially conduct exploratory core drilling or ground disturbance to determine the location, quality, or quantities of minerals. 

The bill was referred to the House Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources Committee, and to the Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Natural Resources Subcommittee. The bill was introduced to the subcommittee on January 17 by Delegate Simonds.

Ahead of the Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Natural Resources Subcommittee meeting, VTCA met with Delegate Simonds and expressed our concerns and how this bill would very adversely impact all mining companies and mineral exploration in the State and that VTCA would oppose the bill.

Simonds said it was not her intention to disrupt existing businesses nor mining outside of “gold, silver, copper, zinc, lead and uranium." Late on January 16, Delegate Simonds offered an amendment that carved out minerals for “building and road construction." This was not enough as several VTCA Aggregate Producer members mine industrial minerals that are not utilized for construction purposes.

VTCA again met with Delegate Simonds on early January 17, ahead of the subcommittee meeting, to explain that the amendment didn’t exclude mined materials that are not utilized in construction. It was suggested that VTCA and our Aggregate Producers submit amendment language that excluded the additional minerals we were concerned with, which was quite an extensive list. VTCA testified at the subcommittee meeting that we would support the bill, with acceptable amendments.

On January 18, VTCA and our lobby team, crafted and submitted the below proposed amendment language to the Delegate:

"Exploration activity" means the drilling of test holes, stratigraphic or core holes, or other ground-disturbing geophysical activities for the purpose of determining the location, quantity, or quality of minerals gold, silver, lead, uranium, and copper.

As of January 19, VTCA continues to work with Delegate Simonds on suggested amendments. VTCA has consulted several aggregate producer members throughout this process and has had other aggregate members contact legislators who are on the subcommittee.

The bill did report out of the subcommittee with amendments and will go before the House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee. This committee next meets on January 24 at 8:30 a.m., however, their docket is not yet published.

View the House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee here.

VTCA and our lobby team are dedicated to protecting our membership and will keep up our efforts on this legislation.


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