VRB Newsletter

USFWS Announces Proposed Listing of the Monarch Butterfly (from VA DEQ)

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On December 10, 2024, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) announced the proposed listing of the monarch butterfly as a threatened species afforded the protections provided by the Federal Endangered Species Act. According to USFWS, these majestic insects have been on a steady decline for the past 20 years.  
USFWS is taking public comment on the proposed rulemaking through March 12. While it is too early to say for sure what, if any, effect the listing will have on regulated activities in Virginia, DEQ encourages the public to participate in the two virtual public events and ask specific questions regarding how the proposed listing may affect project planning and project implementation in Virginia. The regulated community and others interested parties can also gain a wealth of insight from the questions and answers series and other information published to date by USFWS on their informational webpage. You can also view the rulemaking docket information directly online by searching its docket number: FWS-R3-ES-2024-0137.  
DEQ contact: Brenda Winn at brenda.winn@deq.virginia.gov 


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