A Word From VTCA President Jon Harman

VTCA Members and Colleagues,  

As we emerge from a year unlike anything we’ve ever experienced, I think it’s important to reflect on a few key takeaways. First, our industry is strong. Despite the challenges faced by all of us, we came out of this better than we went into it. We proved that we are creative and can adapt, that we can meet our commitments in the face of adversity, that we are professionals, and most of all - that safety remains everyone’s priority.  
Second, the importance of maintaining strong relationships cannot be overstated. At a time when face-to-face contact was all but prohibited, we relied on the years of hard work and effort that we’ve all put in to establishing friendships and trusted relationships to support each other. This played a large part in our ability to succeed with my first point. 
Third, the value and benefit of this Alliance was on full display. Despite a change in leadership in the middle of the pandemic, VTCA never lost the singular focus of keeping our industry working. From daily calls with our partners at VDOT, to individual calls with our members, to advocating behind the scenes that we can, and will, get it done safely, VTCA fought harder than anyone on our behalf.  
And that brings me to my final point. What is it about VTCA that made us successful? Absolutely the leadership and staff are an integral part of who we are. Gordon, who recently celebrated 1 year with VTCA, just experienced a trial by fire and came through it as if he’s been here 10 years. Jan, Tom, Jeff, Rob, Stephanie, Dana, Greg, and Kayla each played a critical role in our ability to never miss a beat. We should all express our sincere gratitude for everything they accomplished for us in the past year. 
But more than that, VTCA is all of us. Our industry is facing several critical challenges in the coming years, but as we have clearly demonstrated, we can overcome anything in our way and come out the better for it. But this only happens with active participation and engagement from each of us. Remain involved, attend the meetings and conferences, participate in the various committees, provide the dialog and feedback to leadership, meet with your representatives, and encourage the next generation of upcoming leaders to do the same.  
It’s my honor and privilege to serve as President for the upcoming year, and along with Vice President Bob Gallagher, PE with Johnson, Mirmiran and Thompson, and Secretary/Treasurer Jim Van Ness with Luck Stone Corporation, each of us commit to continuing the mission of VTCA to advocate on your behalf. Let us know how we can help, and we look forward to seeing everyone (in person) soon. 





Jon Harman
Senior Vice President
Shirley Contracting Company, LLC