MSHA East Region Administrator & Acting Enforcement Administrator Announces Retirement

Sam Pierce has announced his retirement from MSHA effective August 31, 2021. MSHA has announced that the Enforcement Administrator position will be filled by Nancy Rooney. Ms. Rooney is currently the Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. MSHA has not yet announced who will fill the position of MSHA East Region Administrator.   
Prior to his appointment as the East Region Administrator, Sam served as MSHA’s Southeast District Administrator. Several years ago, Virginia mine operations were in the MSHA Southeast District and many of our Member Aggregate operators got to know Sam well. As District and East Region Administrator, Sam was highly respected and liked. He will be missed. 
In a recent communication, Sam stated, “I will be around. I plan on meeting with several of the associations that I worked with in the past just in case someone might need help on something. I want to travel some and just enjoy being able to do whatever I want to. But I do plan on staying in touch with all the good people who work in our industry.” 

If you know Sam, please take a moment, and congratulate him on his retirement from MSHA.