Renew Your VTCA Membership Today!

Each fall we write to confirm your continuing membership in VTCA, the state’s largest association dedicated solely to advancing the interests of the transportation construction and aggregates industries. We accompany this letter with a summary of what we have accomplished on your behalf – you can review it here.  
VTCA’s forward-thinking Board of Directors and dedicated staff have represented the Alliance and the industry well this past year. None of this would have been possible without your support. This is your Alliance. Our goal is to make sure that you get a positive return on your investment. As a respected partner of state regulatory agencies and your strongest voice on industry issues, we are pleased to announce that we will continue to effectively serve you in 2022 without an increase in dues and fees.  
If you have not already done so, please take the time now to return your confidential Member Volume Report. These are due back on December 6 as the data is critical to the development of our 2022 operating budget. Should you need a copy of your Member Volume Report, please contact Dana Morris (  Again, we appreciate your support and look forward to a successful 2022 as we work on your behalf.