TCMI Registration Open

We are all busier than ever today but our success lies in never putting aside preparing for the future.

Invest in that future and send your staff to the 2022 Transportation Construction Management Institute.

Not sure of the value? Think of it this way... TCMI can give your staff the tools to avoid one bad conversation or poorly written email, easily saving the company the cost of tuition.

Built specifically for our industry, Virginia's TCMI program is unlike any other management training and development program offered. With a cross section of participants from VDOT and industry, the program includes an emphasis on understanding and improving effective communication skills in our dynamic business environment.

VDOT is sending up to 20 staff this year and the remaining seats are for industry. The program has always provided the opportunity for attendees to develop strong relationships with VDOT staff and other peers that otherwise may never have developed.

Program Details and Online Registration

TCMI is being held at Virginia Tech from February 20-25, 2022. If you have more questions about the program and whether or not it would be a good fit for your employees don't hesitate to contact Tom Witt at (804) 330-3312.