Davis-Bacon Rulemaking Enters Public Comment Period

The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the publication of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking as it considers updating the regulations that implement the Davis-Bacon Act and Related Acts to better reflect the needs of workers in the construction industry and planned federal construction investments. 

According to the Department of Labor, the proposed rulemaking represents the most comprehensive review of the Davis-Bacon Act regulations in 40 years. The proposal seeks to speed up prevailing wage updates, creating several efficiencies in the current system and ensuring prevailing wage rates keep up with actual wages. 

VTCA is working closely with ARTBA’s staff to evaluate the impact of the proposed changes on our members and prepare a response during the public comment period. 

A few of the key elements of the 462-pages of proposed updates to the regulations include: 

VTCA is coordinating efforts with ARTBA to submit comments on the rulemaking. If you have specific questions or concerns, you are encouraged to participate in the public comment period as well as contact VTCA (Tom Witt) with questions or comments. 

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments on this notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) on or before May 17, 2022.  Electronic comments can be submitted through the Federal eRulemaking Portal