Dr. Kray Luxbacher Resigns from Virginia Tech

On June 10, Dr. Kray Luxbacher announced to VTCA that she has officially resigned her position as Department Head of Virginia Tech’s Mining and Minerals Engineering. She has recently accepted the position of Head of the Mining and Geological Engineering Department at the University of Arizona in Tucson. Dr. Luxbacher explained the move to the University of Arizona as an exciting opportunity, but that it was a difficult decision and she will miss all the people she has worked with over the years at Virginia Tech.

Dr. Erik Westman will serve as interim Head of the Mining and Minerals Engineering at Virginia Tech. Dr. Westman is fully engaged with all the ongoing collaborations between Virginia Tech and VTCA and we look forward to continuing our efforts with his support.

VTCA will miss Dr. Luxbacher as she has been instrumental in the partnership VTCA has developed with the Mining and Mineral Engineering School. We wish Kray well and we have promised to stay in touch with her.

If you know Dr. Luxbacher, please feel free to reach out to her and wish her family well in her new endeavor.