VDOT Announces New Central Office State Materials Engineer for Asphalt Laboratory and Pavement Design & Evaluation Program

State Materials Engineer, Andy Babish, announced that Angela Beyke will be the new Assistant State Materials Engineer overseeing the CO Asphalt Laboratory and Pavement Design & Evaluation Program areas. Angela will have statewide oversight of asphalt mix related specifications and quality assurance programs, as well as pavement design and evaluation policies and procedures.

Angela is a graduate of West Virginia University. She has been with VDOT for over 11 years, involved with the deployment of pavement design procedure modifications, served as Assistant Asphalt Laboratory Program Manager, as well as currently serving as the CO Concrete and Physical Laboratory program manager with statewide oversight of concrete specifications and quality acceptance policies and procedures.

She will be transitioning into her new role over the coming weeks. VDOT looks forward to having Angela on the Materials Division's management team.