Fairfield-Echols Celebrates 50 Years of Membership



In September, 1972, Fairfield-Echols, LLC signed on to support the work of the Virginia Road Builders Association. Fifty years later, Fairfield-Echols remains committed to promoting the growth and improvement of Virginia's transportation construction program.

Times have changed. Names have changed. The way we design, build and maintain roads and bridges has changed. But much has remained the same. Relationships are the foundation of success in our industry. Our family of members depends on one another. Integrity and trust are paramount to a job well done.

We would like to take a moment to thank Fairfield-Echols for your 50 years of support. We appreciate your trust in the Alliance and its leadership. We are indebted to you and your company for your role in making the Virginia Transportation Construction Alliance the respected voice for Virginia’s transportation construction and aggregates industries.