Luck Stone Miners Recognized for Safety Milestones

Virginia Energy and VTCA recognize individual miners who achieve milestones without any lost time accidents. Individual employee safety awards are presented to persons who reach fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty, or forty-five or more consecutive years in the mining industry without a lost time injury during the calendar year. All individual award winners will receive a certificate acknowledging their achievement.

This year, Luck Stone has 11 individuals that have reached safety milestones:

  Brad Taylor (center) Leesburg Plant
  Joe Harris (center) Rockville Plant

15 Years
Mark Kelpe
Matthew Olive
Calvin Lamb
Tim Smith

20 Years
Anthony Gilman
Bradley Taylor

25 Years
Bradley Johnson
Landon Hugues
Paul Carter
Joe Harris

35 Years
Milburn “Ricky” Ricker