DEQ Enforcement Manual Updates
In order to help streamline the enforcement process, updates have been made to the DEQ Enforcement Manual. The manual update reflects changes to staff instructions to implement agency efficiencies. It is important to note that the manual update does not change how the agency calculates civil charges. Manual changes are as follows:
- Collaboration with Central Office is not required when the proposed civil charge is $15,000 or less (this does not apply to High Priority Violations or Significant Noncompliance)
- An enforcement recommendation plan is not required if the civil charge is less than $15,000 (a civil charge worksheet and detailed analysis is still required for all cases)
- An Informal Fact-Finding fast-track enforcement process is now available for cases with a civil charge of $15,000 or less (see page 159)
- OneDEQ case load allocation (see page 9) and new enforcement timeline (see Chapter 3)
- Central Office enforcement staff are now the lead for all enforcement actions involving state or federal agencies, regardless of who the responsible party is.
Public notice requirements have changed (page 22).