NCEES PE Mining and Mineral Processing Survey 2023

The Professional Activities and Knowledge Study (PAKS) survey is the first and most important step in the development process for the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Mining and Mineral Processing exam and is part of a process that occurs every 6 to 8 years to ensure that the exam is relevant to current practice in the profession. It is being distributed to licensed mining and mineral processing engineers in all industries. Results from the survey will be used to revise the test specifications for the PE Mining and Mineral Processing Engineering exam. You will be asked to rate the importance of the knowledge areas required by a newly licensed professional mining and mineral processing engineer, as well as the tasks performed to practice in a manner that safeguards the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The survey will also include demographic and professional questions that will be used to assess sample representativeness.

When rating the knowledge areas and task statements, keep in mind that the survey reflects practice at the national level and is not based on any individual state. For guidance, consider the attributes that you are looking for in a newly licensed professional engineer interviewing for a position in your practice.

Participation in the survey is voluntary. Your answers are anonymous, and responses will be reported only in the aggregate.

Please complete the survey by August 9, 2023.

Take the survey.