VTCA Meets with Director of Virginia Energy


  Glenn Davis, Director of Virginia Energy

On July 3, Gordon Dixon, VTCA Executive Vice President, and Rob Lanham, VTCA Aggregate Producer Program Manager, met with Glenn Davis, the recently appointed Director of Energy. Virginia Energy is one of the twelve agencies under the Secretary of Commerce and Trade and oversees Virginia’s Mineral Mining Program.

VTCA gave Mr. Davis an overview of the Alliance, specifically our Aggregates Program. We discussed Aggregate Program initiatives and both previous legislation and potential legislative considerations, including our initiative to move the authority of the Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Stormwater Discharge General Permit from DEQ to Mineral Mining.

Mr. Davis stressed that one area they wanted to improve on was the orphan mine reclamation program. He asked how we thought the current mining industry could assist with orphan mine clean up. We expressed to Mr. Davis that we would discuss this among our members and see if we could develop any ideas that may assist.

Mr. Davis is a former Virginia House of Representatives member from the Tidewater area.

VTCA came away from our meeting optimistic that Director Davis will benefit Virginia’s Aggregate Producers and the Mineral Mining Program.