Final Rockin’ PD Quarry Tour of the Summer Conducted


On July 21, about two dozen science teachers ascended on Vulcan Materials Dale Quarry in Chester, VA. The Rockin’ PD Quarry Tours are geared for science teachers to give them an inside look at aggregate operations and why aggregates are critical to society. The teachers also earn professional development (PD) credits for attending the tours.

Vulcan pulled out all the stops for last week’s tour. They had presentations that included geology, mine planning, blasting, product uses, and many more components of the aggregate mining industry. Vulcan had a van available, and the teachers had the opportunity to tour the operations. Following the tour, the teachers were treated to a boxed lunch.

The main objective of the tours is to provide teachers with information about our industry and inform them as to “the why” they teach geology and earth science.

Thank you to all the members who opened your doors to the teachers to educate them on the importance of the aggregate industry!