VTCA’s PAC is Looking for Your Support!


Mo Kim of Rinker Design Associates, not only delivered his personal
contribution to the VTCA PAC, but he also put a candidates sign in
his yard – and that’s impactful!  

As a business leader, you are focused on your business, but you are also a member of VTCA to help expand your voice and touch on key issues impacting you and your employees. 

Being a business owner of a small or medium size company, how can you gain access to those who sometimes determine the fate of your business? Calling on PAC funds at the appropriate time provides a path to meet directly with representatives who, even though they may or may not understand your industry, could close your business, or dramatically disrupt the market with a simple “yea or nay” on the House or Senate floor.   So why should you play the Richmond game? And let us be clear. It is a “game” – a zero-sum game! Someone will win and someone will lose.  

Why not increase your odds by playing by the state Capitol rules to advance your agenda? Contributing gives you access and creates opportunities to discuss industry issues with those who receive your support. Laying out the industry’s top concerns by simply explaining how a certain regulation could (or does) impact your employees and customers helps the candidates better understand potential laws being introduced.  

VTCA’s PAC accepts both personal and business contributions. You can learn more about the PAC and make a contribution here: https://www.vtca.org/vtca-pac.